Perfect Society Balance Sheet Format

Cash in Hand.
Society balance sheet format. As a complete society management our service provides peace of mind for the committee and improve quality of life for all. Assets Purchased out of Earmarked Funds Add. SCHEDULES FORMING PART OF BALANCE SHEET.
Shares of Rs. Balance Sheet of Year 2009. In this sheet you can record a flat-wise and month-wise collection of maintenance amount.
See Rule 62 1 Balance Sheet. Statement of Income and expenditure Account the Balance Sheet. First you need to enter the maintenance per month amount and it will automatically calculate the yearly amount.
In account format the balance sheet is divided into left and right sides like a T account. Contributions towards CorpusCapital Fund Add. Distinguishing between the various classes of capital and stating the particulars specified below in respect of each class.
Amount in Rupees Balance at the beginning of the year Add. In the left-side column create a section for assets liabilities and equity. In the first column enter the flat number in second enter the flat holder name and enter the amount month-wise or as collected in the sheet.
Figures for the previous year. SCHEDULE 1 CORPUSCAPITAL FUND. 2- Web-based service for viewing member ledger bill.