Impressive Revised Schedule Vi Of Companies Act 2013

From now on the compliance requirements of Act andor Accounting standards will prevail over schedule VI.
Revised schedule vi of companies act 2013. Objective and Scope 21. Standards as applicable to the companies require any change in treatment or disclosure including addition amendment substitution or deletion in the headsub-head or any changes interse in the financial statements or statements forming part thereof the same shall be made and the requirements of the Schedule VI shall stand modified accordingly. The objective of this Guidance Note is to provide guidance in the preparation and presentation of Financial Statements of companies in accordance with various aspects of the Revised Schedule VI.
Revised Schedule VI prescribes a vertical format for presentation of balance sheet. In case ofany conflict between the AS and the Schedule AS shall prevail. The depreciable amount of an asset is the cost of an asset or.
The revision aims to harmonise and synchronise the general disclosure requirements under schedule VI with those prescribed in International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS which India. The revised Schedule VI has eliminated the concept of schedules and such information will now be provided in the notes to accounts. Revised Schedule VI may be followed by such companies till the time any other format is prescribed by the relevant statute.
Where compliance with the requirements of the Act including Accounting Standards as applicable to the companies require any change in the treatment of disclosure in the. Substituted by Notification Dated 12th September 2016. Revised Schedule VI shall be for the year commencing on or after 01042011.
Except for addition of general instructions for preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements CFS the format of financial statements given in the Companies Act 2013 is the same as the revised Schedule VI notified under the Companies Act 1956. Vi the Companies Act2013 18 of 2013 or any previous company law 2. Corporate Affairs MCA had issued a revised form of Schedule VI on February 28 2011 and this has formed the basis for the Schedule III of Companies Act 2013The relevant Schedule III to the Act is given in Annexure A Pg.
Schedule II of the Companies Act 2013 Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life. The Revised Schedule VI has eliminated the concept of schedule and such informationis now to be furnished in the notes to accounts. In case of Long-term Borrowings the Revised Schedule VI requires disclosing repayment terms of long term loans and other loans.