Ideal Revised Schedule Vi Format

Profit before tax VII - VIII xxx.
Revised schedule vi format. Further the Revised Schedule VI format prescribes such below the line adjustments to be presented under Reserves and Surplus in the Balance Sheet. Profit Loss for the period from continuing operations VII - VIII xxx. Revised Schedule VI in Excel Format Balance Sheet Profit Loss Ac Notes.
In this regard we have prepared a comparative chart between the old and revised format of Schedule VI. Schedule VI to the Companies Act 1956 the Act provides the format in which companies registered under the Act prepare and present their financial statements. Unlike the Old Schedule VI the Revised Schedule VI lays down a format for the presentation of Statement of Profit and Loss.
We at Kantilal Patel Company have put in efforts to simplify this notification for better understanding by the corporates. Revised Schedule VI in Excel PDF Format. Format Revised Schedule VI of Companies Act 1956.
As per revised schedule VI any item of income or expense which exceeds one per cent of the. PART I Form of BALANCE SHEET Name of the Company. Other files by the user.
The objective of this Guidance Note is to provide guidance in the preparation and presentation of Financial Statements of companies in accordance with various aspects of the Revised Schedule VI. The revised schedule vi prescribes a vertical format for presentation of balance sheet. As required earlier has been replaced with Note No.
The Balance Sheet includes. It requires companies to disclose gross profit in the profit and loss account. Balance Sheet as at in Refer Figures as at the Figures as at the Note end of current end of previous Particulars No.