Outstanding Profit & Loss Format

According to Prof.
Profit & loss format. Format of the statement of profit and loss Account as per companies Act 2013. Format of Profit And Loss Account Preparation of Profit and Loss Account-. The balance of Profit and Loss Account which represents either net profit or net loss is transferred to the capital account.
Profit and Loss Statement Format PL The following Profit and Loss Statement Format provides an outline of the most common Income Statement. The company revenue is added to the statement with fixed and variable expenses being split out which allows this income statement format to show. The profit and loss statement PL also referred to as the income statement is one of three financial statements companies regularly produce.
Sales as we know are the revenue against the sale of the product in which the organization deals. The profit or gain is equal to the selling price minus cost price. Expenses Accounting and legal fees 11700 Advertising 15000 Depreciation 38000 Electricity 2700 Insurance 15200 Interest and bank charges 27300 Postage 1500 Printing and stationery 8700 Professional memberships 1800 Rent for premises 74300 Repairs and maintenance.
The format of statement of profit and loss account of a company is prescribed in part II of schedule III of The Companies Act 2013 as follows. FormatSpecimen of Profit and Loss Account. Profit and Loss AccountStatement Types of Profit and Loss.
Loss is equal to cost price minus selling price. It is impossible to provide a complete set of examples that address every variation in every situation since there are thousands of such Profit and Loss Statements formats based on geography accounting policies etc. Carter A Profit Loss Account is an account into which all gains and losses are collected in order to ascertain the excess gains over the losses or vice-versa.
Profit and loss account is commonly known as the account which enlists and shows all the profits and loss of a company have in a special period of time. Revenues Sales Revenue Sales Returns Service Revenue Interest Revenue Other Revenue. Now let us find profit formula and loss formula.