Unique Balance Sheet As Per Schedule 6

Ministry of Corporate Affairs MCA Government of India has on 3 March 2011 hosted on its website the revised Schedule VI to the Companies Act 1956 which deals with the Form of Balance sheet Profit Loss Account and disclosures to be made therein.
Balance sheet as per schedule 6. To get the format please ask your client to provide the specific format in which they want the report. On 23 august 2012. At the Schedule L Balance Sheets per Books Menu the user can enter most of the balance sheet items.
Form and contents of Balance sheet and Profit Loss Account of a company under Schedule VI to the Companies Act 1956 revised. As a practical matter Schedule L - Balance Sheet should be entered before attempting to complete either Schedule M-1 Reconciliation of Income or Schedule M-2 Analysis of Accumulated Adjustment Accounts because certain items calculated on those schedules reconcile with items on the balance sheet. Prepare the Balance Sheet as at 31st March 1998 as required by Part I Schedule VI of the Companies Act.
The balance sheet together with the income statement and the statement of changes in equity forms part of the financial statements of a business. Schedule-VI Balance Sheet provides the representation of companys financial position at any point in time in the Schedule VI format of Companies Act. Iii Debit balance of statement of profit and loss shall be shown as a negative figure under the head Surplus.
2 Balances with RBI in Current Account in other accounts. Only vertical form is specified. And just like these previous two statements income statement and statement of changes in equity the balance sheet is usually drawn up annually.
Use T code OB58 for the same. Schedule 6 balance sheet format in excel. 447E dated 28th February 2011 replaced the existing Schedule.
Schedule VII Balance with Banks and Money at Call Short Notice. Both horizontal and vertical forms were allowed. Equity and Liabilities comprising of Shareholders Funds Share Application money pending allotment Non-Current Liabilities and Current Liabilities.